Leadership Style Assessment


Being able to build a dynamic team—a group of individuals capable of pulling smoothly in the same direction—is especially important for leaders wanting to ensure collective impact and ultimately transformative change in community, business, and/or government settings. As such, it requires understanding that people are different and, while differences are essential for innovation and change, they can also create tension if the differences aren’t understood and valued.

Every successful project or initiative requires a team with a variety of skills and abilities, approaches, and leadership and communication styles. In other words, a collaborative ecosystem and culture. It is important to align staff and volunteers to the tasks at hand but also to ensure a balance of complementary skills and strengths.

This exercise can help you be conscious of, and better understand, not only your own approach to work and interpersonal relationships, but also those of others. It is also intended to enhance motivation, as well as help you gain insights that will reduce complications and frustrations arising from differences.

Of course it is not possible to divide the entire population into four leadership styles, so when this assessment is being implemented, it is imperative to reinforce that it is impossible to divide the entire population into four leadership styles. As such, considered it as a guideline to understanding, rather than an exact science.

Leadership Style Assessment (Full Version of the Assessment)

Leadership Styles Mini Version (Mini Version when time is limited)


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