Fuzzy Future?

Any decision you make is based on your images of the future and what you expect is going to happen. If your images of the future are fuzzy and incoherent then your decisions will be fuzzy and incoherent. --Reid Reiner |

Can the Big Picture Make Things Simpler?

Like many others these days, the complexity of the world we live in is wearing me down and I find myself craving simplicity. But, what if instead, the big picture actually made things clearer? When seeing the Earth from afar for the first time, many astronauts described a cognitive shift in their awareness. Now called the Overview Effect, their experience of seeing the reality of Earth suspended in space with national borders no longer visible,...

Leadership as a Tango?

We all need to think ourselves as a leader because, contrary to what most people think, a formal title doesn't make you a leader. It is instead much more about one's traits and actions. However, in this article by Sharna Fabiano for Enlivening Edge Magazine explores the idea of leadership vs followship and suggests that if everyone is going to lead, then everyone must be able to follow. The article explains why leadership is like a tango.

Time for the Heroes to Go Home?

‘It is time for all the heroes to go home… It is time to stop waiting for someone to save us. It is time to face the truth of our situation - that we're all in this together, that we all have a voice - and figure out how to mobilize the hearts and minds of everyone in our communities.’ - Margaret Wheatley |

Our Clients

Participants in our online webinars and certification have included staff, volunteers, and elected officials from across the country and beyond. A sampling of our clients for coaching and consulting or face to face facilitation services, workshops, and keynotes are listed below: CLIENT SERVICES PROVIDED Alberta Association of Agricultural Societies Facilitation, Keynote, Workshops Alberta Ministry of Culture and Tourism Consulting Alberta...

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