A Key Ingredient for Any Successful Plan

Remember when we used to do five and even ten year master and/or strategic plans? Hard to believe but at one point in their history, the Niagara Parks Commission even had a 100 year masterplan. Personally, I struggle to plan meals more than one day out so even five years sounds daunting. Regardless, it does seem some of the best recent planning results are those that reflect a clear sense of values. In large part, it appears those values can...

An Urgent Invitation to Shift Funding Practices 

The questions seem obvious. Why are funders more willing to fund symptoms rather than the underlying root causes? When we know that today's complex issues need collaboration across organizations, silos, and sectors, why is it so darn hard to access multisector funding?  Why are we competing for funding when it's so clear that project and systems collaboration is more likely to be the answer? Why do even the most successful projects have to...

What We Need Now

As Jeffrey Walker has suggested, Our focus should be more on solving problems through creative collaboration, and less on the establishment and perpetuation of new institutions. In addition, we need to develop and employ system entrepreneurs who are skilled in coordinating systematic approaches to addressing the complex, large-scale problems of our time. It has become very clear that impactful, creative project and systems collaboration will...

Our Values

Our Values COLLABORATION ASSOCIATES: Our Values We believe that citizens and diverse stakeholders need to be part of developing and owning solutions. As a result we honour people-centric development. We care more about collaboration than silos and believe government, business, and social profits can work together to ensure the systems collaboration required to address complexity. We see value in building capacity for...

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