An Urgent Invitation to Shift Funding Practices 

The questions seem obvious. Why are funders more willing to fund symptoms rather than the underlying root causes? When we know that today’s complex issues need collaboration across organizations, silos, and sectors, why is it so darn hard to access multisector funding?  Why are we competing for funding when it’s so clear that project and systems collaboration is more likely to be the answer? Why do even the most successful projects have to end, when the funding ends?

Overwhelming for sure, but Catalyst2030 is inviting you to help shift the funding practices that are needed if we are to face the global challenges that are threatening the future of people and the planet. Their powerful, articulate letter outlines the issues and provides solutions. Their call to action is simple. Take a few moments to read the letter and add your name to the letter at this link.

To learn more about Catalyst2030 see their website. More about their focus on the 17 Global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and how they relate to local communities can be found at this blog.

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