If Only It Were That Easy

OECD Study Identifies Six Actions to Achieve SDG Results


The report highlights that, while integrating the SDGs into development co-operation can accelerate the achievement of development results, uptake of the SDGs has been “slow and difficult” thus far. Nonetheless, through seven comparative case studies, the report illustrates that the alignment of development co-operation to SDG results is possible. The case studies are conducted in Bangladesh, Ethiopia, Kenya, Myanmar, Peru, Samoa, and Uganda.

Based on the case studies, the report identifies obstacles policy makers and development co-operation managers face inAll Posts integrating the SDG framework into their work along with solutions that helped them increase their focus on the SDGs. The report presents the following six actions as strategic steps to help development co-operation leaders, managers, and policy makers manage the transition successfully:

  • promote the achievement of SDG results from the top;
  • invest in organizational transformation needed for the SDGs;
  • adapt SDG alignment strategies to each country context;
  • support countries in SDG mainstreaming efforts;
  • invest in country-led SDG data to jointly monitor progress towards the SDGs; and
  • build partnerships with others around specific SDG results.

In regard to organizational transformation, the report identifies the need for leadership to provide guidance, incentives, and resources to support changes in management processes that will allow use of the SDGs as a road map for an inclusive and sustainable recovery. Such investments will increase the organization’s managerial focus on long-term outcomes and its capacity to work across sector silos, which the report highlights is “essential for addressing the complex development challenges ahead.”

OECD Study Identifies Six Actions to Achieve SDG Results


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