Our Values
- We believe that citizens and diverse stakeholders need to be part of developing and owning solutions. As a result we honour people-centric development.
- We care more about collaboration than silos and believe government, business, and social profits can work together to ensure the systems collaboration required to address complexity.
- We see value in building capacity for citizen/stakeholder-informed decision-making.
- We emphasize the importance of building trusted relationships and the key role those relationships play in determining the values, outcomes, and scope or our initiatives.
- We stress the importance of learning and knowledge exchange between stakeholders and disciplines in order to maximize theoretical, practice-based, and/or lived experience that is essential for innovation.
- We prioritize balance between quality of life, the environment, and economic development.
- While none of us have a crystal ball we see value in helping organizations see their future more clearly.
- We believe collaboration requires being technology-savvy especially as it relates to using it for collaboration.
- We believe future-focused leaders need to be good with messy.